Friday, October 5, 2007

Fall is here!

It's hard to believe it when the temp today was 86, but fall is here! Bill got a couple of good pictures of some of the color, although the color isn't as vibrant as it has been in some years.

We had two viruses hit the house, including one that gave Ellie the hives and a huge lip. Just imagine our Sweet Thing with Mick Jagger lips----I wouldn't take a picture of her!

We're finishing up some read-alouds on Ancient Egypt and the kids have had a ball with a heiroglyphic book. We have heiroglyphic signs all over the house! We are really enjoying studying about ancient history!

Another thing of note this week---Nate has started singing a song from Sunday School. He walks around singing in Nate's own cute way "The B-I-B-L-E". We're thrilled to hear it!

Here are some pictures from the week----

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