Friday, September 28, 2007

The First Day of School

One of our family's traditions is our First Day of School. You might think, well, what does a homeschooling family do for the first day of school.

First off, the kids get up early, at least earlier than they are used to. The day starts off with a Treasure Hunt that allows them to get their brain cells, which have been napping all summer, up to speed for the year. They are forced to run all over to find clues and the final prize of their backpack/lunch box loaded with school supplies, treats, and little surprises. Last year was especially thrilling as we were studying the Eastern Hemisphere, and I picked up goodies that tied into the countries----chinese yo-yos, lots of unusual candy (some Japanese candy that has an edible wrapper) and snacks, and even some coins from the different countries. We have such fun the first day of school---thankfully we've never had a rainy day!

Here are some pictures from this year and the years past. Looking at the years past brings a lump to my throat---how quickly our kiddos are changing!

The boys are all excited about their finds. Jenny is checking out her stash with Nate assisting. Ellie was in the wagon---she would've been in the picture otherwise!
Do you notice the tired eyes?

Nate is trying to figure out if he should throw this log or keep it to bring into the house. If I remember correctly, we persuaded him to leave it outside.

Ellie coloring. Notice the page is still white but her lips are green. If we ever need a marker, Ellie can find one. She has made some awesome murals on the library floor. She is also good at face painting. Somedays she'll come find me and be covered with ink----I don't know how she finds the markers.


This was the year we studied the Eastern Hemisphere. The kids wore their Pacific Island garb for the first day.

I'll have to ask Joey what country this headdress is from.




This picture pulled on my heart---look at how young the kids look!

I had to include this picture of Joey. This was the day before school started 2003. Oh, the lazy days of summer! He actually slept for quite awhile on the deck.

1 comment:

catherine said...

What a great looking family! I love all of the pictures. The kids have changed so much since we saw them last summer. Great idea/tradition for the first day of school.