Sunday, May 10, 2009

A note every mother likes to receive

In 2003, I received the above note from Jack who would have been 6 at the time. I have it in my room on a "keepsake board" with special things from the kids.

I have so many things that I love about being a mother. I feel incredibly blessed to have five special people that call me Mom. So much of what I know about mothering I have learned from my mom, who is the most giving person I know. I have an wonderful role model in Mom, and she is definitely my mentor. Mom has lived out her love for Christ through her actions. Looking back on my childhood, I felt appreciated for who I was as an individual (sometimes hard to do when you have five siblings). I have learned from watching Mom what true patience is, how important showing interest in your kids' lives is (whether it is taking a break from chores to snuggle and read or always making them feel like you have open ears and are interested in what they are saying), and that having fun is important too! Mom had quite the variety of personalities with all of us and gave me some great advice about appreciating each child. She said she always felt it was so important to love each child for who they were and to gently guide them in both their strengths and "weaknesses" (maybe characteristics we would consider bothersome but great for an adult---being strong-willed, etc) One other thing that I have learned through "seeing" with Mom is to always have gratitude, in every situation--to always find things to thank God for. Many days I will remind myself of Mom's ability to not complain but to give thanks. What a blessing she is!

As I looked at our five children today, I appreciate the gift God has given me and pray that I am able to raise and nurture each one of them to love Him deeply and to please Him throughout their lives. I look forward to the day in Heaven when I can meet the little one we never got to hold here on earth.

I am so thankful today that I am a mom and that I have Mom in my life! And I am thankful for the sweet notes my kids give me:)

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