Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Living the country life

Sorry for the huge gap in posting here---life's been full of a lot of happenings---will post on later but wanted to share something that happened today.

We had a beautiful day---around 75 degrees and sunny! Wow, hard to believe it's November. We went outside this afternoon to do some raking. Joe and I were coming back from dumping a load of leaves behind the barn and saw Jenny and Ellie. Ellie looked so cute running in her bare feet with a pink striped shirt and jeans on and her hair flying in the breeze. The thought came to me how blessed she is to have this house and the country life as the only life she's known---she so loves being outside and experiencing everything.

Jenny was all excited to show me a bug she had found and after I looked at it, Ellie got closer us. I looked at her, trying to figure out what treasure she had found and was holding. I looked again and realized it was a MOUSE! A DEAD MOUSE! EEK! Yes, I did scream! Ellie was stroking her new friend, obviously a victim of one of the cats. Well, Miss Ellie did not want to give up her new find. I again screamed and told Jenny to get it from Ellie (I didn't want to touch it!). Somehow, we got Ellie to drop it, and I carried her in to disinfect her hands. She kept saying "I want my mouse" as we washed her hands.

I came back outside about two minutes later, and she had it again! I don't know how she got it. The mouse now "lives" in the high grass, hopefully hidden from our little treasure hunter. She sure does get to experience everything!

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