Friday, June 27, 2008

Some Happenings

We're all in shock that June is dwindling---it seems like our summer is flying by! I've noticed a couple of things that I wanted to share.

The first thing is, if you give one of your children the chore of doing all the dishes, it is amazing how often the family ends up eating on paper plates. Also, how said child tries to make everyone use the same cup for the day and thinks it is OK to eat spaghetti on paper plates.

Likewise, if you give another child laundry duty, they will all of a sudden have a uniform that is worn every day, which by the end of the week could almost stand by itself.

Just a couple interesting observation!

In other news, Bill and I have a new "wild hair" (a term fondly adopted from Aunt Carla). We decided to try and clean up the east side of the house near the deck and put a coat of new paint on it. Thinking our house is white so we should get white paint, we quickly discovered how many different shades of white there are and how "unwhite" and in need of paint our house really is. So, instead of painting part of the barn over the 4th of July weekend, we will be painting more of the house.

Here's the during---
and the after. The painted sections look so clean and fresh! Now to get rid of the spot on the door that Chuckie has scratched. We'll have to add that to our list. Sometimes I think we're crazy, other times I know it!

Finally, just to share a phrase (YEAH!!) Nate said last week. He said, "Momma get stroller, and Nate get in stroller." WOW! You can't imagine what music this is to our ears. He is saying lots more "I" statements and continues to progress. Thank you Lord!

Here are a couple shots of Nate---celebrating his birthday at Grandma and Papa's. He's really into birthdays now!
Ellie is actually spying his presents and figuring out how to get over to them and open them all up before Nate gets a chance. Here's one she got to first---
Papa and Nate looked at Nate's cards many times. Papa was so patient, and Nate had such fun with him.
We went to the zoo and Joe, Nate and Jack Peter found a turtle to climb on.

And here is how Ellie has been spending the lazy days of summer.
Bill and the older three went strawberry picking early this morning. The berries are beautiful and delicious---red all the way through and SO sweet! We will freeze them to enjoy throughout the year. We will probably take at least two more trips. Our stash of frozen strawberries last year was gone by October---we had them in the freezer in the barn, and the kids had lots of sweet snacks while biking last summer.

Hope you're enjoying the terrific summer weather!

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