Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Joe!

Joe-Joe Binks is 9! How can that be?!? I can't believe that it was nine years ago that we brought Joey home from the hospital---on a beautiful spring day with the apple blossoms filling the air with a wonderful scent.

Nine years of laughs, jokes, many doorframes climbed, some stitches, lots of daredevil moves.

I wonder how many different things you've created in nine years Joe? How many cool Lego creations? You definitely are our boy who likes to make things.

You, Jenny and Jack have so much fun together--our 3 Musketeers!
Or is that you, Cooper and Jack?!?

We're amazed at how many pictures you have drawn. You continue to surprise all of us with your ability to draw. We're still trying to figure out who you inherited that from.

You are such a great big brother to Nate and Ellie! If anyone can make them laugh, you definitely can. You have done a wonderful job working with Nate and helping him to talk more, and Ellie loves to goof off with you.

I just had to include this cute picture of our little "fisherman"! Look at how white your hair was!Happy 9th Birthday Joe! We love you very much and are so excited to see the many way God has gifted you! You are a very special part of our family!

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