Thursday, January 17, 2008


It's been a fun week! Jack turned 11 and is on his way to becoming a rock star!

He's decided to grow out his hair again! Jack and Joe already have one song that they've composed---"Saturday Night".

Yesterday we had snow all day. It is just beautiful! I think we got around 6". Jack, Joe, Nate, Ellie and I ventured out to spend some time in the fresh snow. Ellie decided she didn't need boots or mittens and after realizing how cold the snow really was, went in to play with Jack.

Joe and Nate spent a lot of time sledding. Nate rides in back and can't see where they are going but has a huge smile on his face the whole time! One time down Nate got a "facial". He didn't mind at all---brushed the snow off and jumped back on the sled.

Our power was out for about three hours last night. We had lots of candles lit and felt like we were living in the days when our home was built. I can't imagine how cold it was in the house throughout the winter.

One day this week I noticed that the big bowl of popcorn we made was missing. Also missing was the black marker. Lo and behold, I went into the living room and look what I found:

Ellie managed to write in Jenny's Bible, my Bible and color the globe. We probably will continue to find her artwork. She gets hold of a marker and she is dangerous!

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