Friday, November 16, 2007

Winter is Here

This morning we had our first snow flurries that resulted in a white lawn. Jenny and Joe went outside to gather a couple of snowballs. Ellie thinks that snowballs taste really good! The first words out of Joe's mouth this morning when he came downstairs were "Are you freezing, Mom?" Welcome to winter again---we've been very spoiled this fall with warm weather.

Let's see what else is new. Jenny is working on cleaning out the horse stall to house her chickens. A friend of hers has chickens and hatched two for Jenny's birthday present. The "chickens-come-home" project will be worked on this weekend by Jenny and Bill.

Jack has a new interest, although I can't share what it is. He has been pouring himself into his new area of interest. He also has done some programming on the computer this week----amazes me!

Joe is working on some physical fitness exercises besides his door-climbing! He also is making his own dictionary. He has found some great words and illustrated their definitions. Do you know what skookum means? Look it up--a great word!

Nate is using more two and three word phrases. He isn't too fond of the gluten-free breads yet but does like the pancakes and waffles. We're working on finding recipes that we all like. Some of them I've even had to choke down. Nate prefers to spit them out rather than choke them down.

Ellie continues to bring smiles to our faces. Her latest fun activity is taking small pieces of toilet paper out of the bathroom and putting them in the toaster oven. Don't know what kind of goodie she is cooking up, but it does keep her busy! She is having lots of fun with her dollies---putting them in their crib, walking them in their stoller, and just carrying them around. Every once in awhile we need to give them all kisses too. Oh, the fun of a having an almost two year old girl!

I don't have any new pictures to post as our camera is in the shop, so I thought I'd post some recent fun ones.
Here's one of Joey doing his doorframe exercise:

One of Jack and Joe with a little too many bubbles:

A snowy day about two years ago:

Finally, a shot from a visit to the Milwaukee museum. This is in the kids area with a lot of butterfly info.

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